When Tyler Durden makes soap, the world wants to wash. Join him and learn how to impress your friends with these styling and affordable gifts.

What Tyler wants, Tyler gets. Join him in these three explosive sessions as he shows you how to create astonishing soaps for all the family.

In three fast-paced sessions you’ll join Tyler in the kitchen. He’ll introduce you to the basics and talk you through the step-by-step process of soap making in the 21st Century..

Monday (45 mins)

The basic set-up. Moulds, glycerine and a sense of wonder. Tyler will show you how to turn those simple ingredients into outstanding starter-soaps. This is a starter guide for everyone; novices will learn the rudimentary skills, old hands can perfect their techniques.

Tuesday (45 mins)

Following Tyler’s technique (he’ll email you a recipe in advance), you’ll come to Tuesday’s session with set ideas. He’s show you how progress beyond your preconceptions and into a world of experimentation.

Wednesday (45mins)

Your chance to follow-up and ask questions. A unique opportunity to talk to one of the UK’s most experienced soap specialists. This live-chat (hosted through Zoom) will give you the chance to hear Tyler answer your questions via the live chat facility.